Videos Ariel was still outstanding on facebook

Ariel said already in the video block, apparently not, because I saw his video ariel still circulating on facebook.

How do the authorities act on the circulation of videos ariel ....? facebook on one of the Arabs who are not in the know, facebook it seems from outside the state network, if I saw there seemed from Arabic, because Arabic writing that read font.

But I do not know for sure because in these facebook written using arabic font. in the video is a video ariel and dance cut. I had the opportunity to print the screen facebook.

In facebook person is indeed all it is a porn video. They and additions to the above there are writing Facebook 'ana Maahom.

It was not easy to remove the video, because a lot of websites, so difficult to control or keep track of everything.

This is a place where people upload videos that are

# Added by naoufel on June 29, 2010 at 10:39 pm

What local government action .....?
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