This could be a preliminary description about yourself that tall.
Not only is high, you're really very nice body, pretty face, you are also very familiar with the fans with you.
A slender body can be one of the capital to achieve your aspirations to become a famous model and also that you can be proud of.
Your style is feminine makes this eye looked so cool I myself became fascinated to see you, hope you succeed with your goals to dominate the world of modeling.
Beginning to pursue your career is still very long, so you can work, can be more professional in the talent you have, in every behavior polamu. Clothes taptop flowers you are wearing a bandage body and long flowing hair makes semangkin interesting.
At your age that just moved 15 years you've won a lot of races. Being a famous model is the desire that you want to accomplish, I will be able to mengapai my dream to become a famous model and I'm sure you can ucapmu.
Adel Dwiayu successful for you.