Asnah encourage children to learn and deepen the Cape Gundap religious knowledge

BATAM: Formal education and religion is of great concern to candidates for Mayor of Batam Hj Asnah, SE when the fest along with residents of Cape Gundap, Seibeduk. Asnah Centre along with a team headed by Hasannudin Young, the group at Masjid Baitul Maqdis meluncurk, Cape Gundap, Seibeduk, along with hundreds of residents of Cape Gundap, which consists of children up to the parents.

 To achieve Tangjung Gundap, Asnah Asnah Center and the team must pass through a hilly dirt road and the hollow distance of about five kilometers. One hour before breaking the fast, Asnah and was greeted by kompang team played a number of primary school age children.

 Waiting time at the mosque Baitul Maqdis breaking it, the show is filled with a greeting from the mosques and the Chairman of the RT board. "We are very grateful Asnah not want to come here and listen to our complaints and loud," said Ramli, Chairman of the board of the mosque. Some residents of Cape Gundap complaints submitted to the Asnah is the lack of some public facilities.
 As the road paved at all yet, as a member of the House of Riau Islands Province, Asnah promised to voicing their complaints.

 "Hopefully I will convey to Banggar (National Budget)," said Asnah. Residents who dominated the school-age children came to the attention Asnah. Chat and any questions on layangkan Asnah light to a number of children.
 From questions about education to religious knowledge Asnah posed to children.

 He said that education and knowledge of religion is a milestone for the success of future generations. Asnah want, kids like the island of Cape Gundap capable of achievement in all fields to be born leaders who have the ability tempatan intellectual and religious. "Learn. We hope that will be born tempatan leader, "said a woman who was educated primary school only four years, because of its ability.

 RT 02 RW 02 Nizam said, for the citizens of Cape Gundap, Asnah a figure that has been very dikeanal.
 "Even when withdrawn lineage, we-we still have a family relationship," said Nizam.
 Hence, the existence of Asnah plans run for Mayor of Batam, a resident of Cape Gundap really hope that Asnah goals materialize.

  Nizam said, if it led Asnah Batam, Batam community life and society hiterogen tempatan coexist with society, will be more forward and create prosperity. Especially for coastal communities that have been less touched by the government facilities.

  "Because, if the leader of tempatan Batam community better understand the problem," said Nazim. A few minutes before breaking the fast, accompanied Asnah Hasannudin Young, delivering assistance to the mosque received Ramli. "Thank you for your attention in our mosques," said Ramli. After breaking the fast and prayers, Asnah even invited to the house residents to eat together in lesehan. (Les)
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